While some incidents may last only for a brief period, they often remain deeply etched in an individual’s mind for the longest time. And even though a matter of the past, the mere thought of these events may continue to trigger strong emotional responses.

Such traumatic incidents can often cause people to perpetually live in their past and neglect their present responsibilities as a result. Trauma may be associated with an event – or a series of events – that had taken place at any definite point in the past, such as early childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, etc.

Defining Emotional Trauma

The American Psychological Association defines trauma as “an emotional response to a terrible event like an accident, rape or natural disaster.”

Just like one shoe size never fits all, the degree of emotional trauma may vary between different people even for the same experience. For instance, although a massive fire breakout at an apartment may be traumatic for all of its residents, a recollection of the incident may perhaps not trigger an emotional response for some of the residents as it might for others.

Certain stimuli in the environment may trigger the affected individual’s response to the trauma. For example, if a person had met with a major accident in the past, commuting in a car moving at high speeds might trigger an emotional response, bringing back memories of the traumatic incident.

Symptoms of Emotional Trauma

Some common symptoms experienced by persons suffering from trauma are as follows:

  • Anxiety and depression
  • Irritability and mood swings
  • Withdrawal from life and day-to-day activities
  • Survivor’s guilt syndrome
  • Frequent nightmares
  • Loss of thought clarity
  • Inability to focus
  • Appetite problems
  • Sleep issues
  • Susceptibility to OCD and addictive behaviours, including alcohol addiction

Treating Emotional Trauma: The Way Ahead With Safe House

Located amidst the calm environs of the I.T. Fields, Safe House, one of the top rehabilitation centres in India offers a secure and comfortable retreat for individuals suffering from various addictions and mental health issues. Here are some ways in which we provide extensive care and assistance:

  • One-on-One Therapy Sessions: Our psychologists and psychiatrists are well-qualified and highly experienced in mental health and rehabilitation. Their empathetic approach and sensitivity towards the patient’s issues help them step into their shoes and understand their specific problems. They provide a secure space for patients to express themselves freely and find a definite direction.

  • Use of Proven Psychological Techniques and Therapies: At Safe House, our psychologists utilise various innovative therapies and strategies to help patients overcome emotional trauma. For example, art therapy provides a creative outlet for patients to express themselves, ensuring stress relief. Psychodrama involves the use of dramatics as a means of self-awareness and expression. Another effective therapy is Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR), which involves recalling disturbing images and engaging in bilateral stimulation (such as hand-tapping) to relieve the pain associated with the images.

  • Extensive Nutritional Counselling: Carrying out major lifestyle changes helps trauma-affected patients to heal from their pain more efficiently. For us, a healthy diet and nutrition are always a top priority. We prepare extensive diet plans catering to every patient, based on his/her requirements, preferences, and dietary restrictions. From Indian and continental to English and oriental, our patients have over 150 types of cuisine to pick from!

  • Family and Couple Counselling: When a patient’s spouse and/or family members understand his/her mental state, they are better able to provide the unconditional support and care the patient requires. We offer couple and family counselling to ensure that the patient receives substantial emotional support in the course of his/her journey.