Although comprising a mere 1.4 kilograms of the total body weight, the brain is the most indispensable, complex, and active part of the human body.

A change in one’s thought processes and perceptions can bring about massive transformations in one’s life. It is this incredible power of our minds that makes psychotherapy an essential and effective part of healing.

While all psychological disorders and conditions are rooted in the mind, therapies help the affected individuals address the faulty thought patterns and associations that are at its core. Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR) is one such extremely effective, tried-and-tested intervention.

Developed by Francine Shapiro in 1988, EMDR is a form of psychotherapy that involves inducing bilateral stimulation – primarily in the form of continuous, rapid eye movements – while encouraging the patient to recall specific painful past memories.

The therapist then directs the person’s mind towards more pleasant thoughts and emotions, thus changing his/her perception of the incident. At Safe House, we incorporate eye movement treatment and EMDR therapy as an integral part of our treatment plans for individuals grappling with various conditions.

When Can EMDR be Used?

While EMDR therapy is useful in general for various psychological conditions, it is commonly incorporated as part of the treatment process for the following disorders:

In the case of trauma and PTSD, EMDR was found to be more effective than all other therapeutic interventions.

The Advantages of EMDR in Psychological Interventions

Some of the significant advantages of incorporating EMDR as part of one’s treatment process are as follows:

  • Minimal Verbal Expression Required: Often, traumatic events are so deeply etched into our memories that we are unable to articulate them. In more severe cases, individuals may temporarily lose their speech after a major traumatic incident. Eye movement therapy helps such patients overcome their grief without expecting them to verbalise their apprehensions and pains.
  • Changing the Direction of Thoughts: It is rightly said that a lot depends on our reaction to an event. While traumatic incidents can be harrowing and their effects long-lasting, changing one’s feelings and emotions towards the incident can help one move on and turn a new leaf. EMDR treatment and therapy encourage trauma-affected individuals to consider the event from a different perspective, thus reducing the impact of such incidents in their minds.
  • Controlling Physical Reactions to the Painful Memory: EMDR treatment not only manages the mental and emotional repercussions of the event but also helps to control the physiological sensations associated with it, including increased heart rate, sweating, abdominal pain etc.
  • Providing Resolution and Closure: EMDR treatment helps patients face their negative thoughts and traumatic memories head-on and resolve these in the person’s mind. It helps them accept their emotional vulnerabilities, attain closure on such memories, and move ahead in their lives without feeling guilty.

While eye movement treatment is extremely useful for individuals having painful thoughts and debilitating memories of traumatic events, it is effective only when carried out skillfully by experienced professionals. At our rehab centre in Delhi, psychologists are highly qualified and experienced in administering EMDR treatment to patients dealing with various disorders and conditions. We carry out the process in well-controlled environments and take care to steadily progress in therapy without overwhelming the patient.

Are you troubled by a traumatic event or grappling with an addiction or psychological condition? We are here for you – connect with us, pour your heart out, and allow us to guide you towards the light at the end of the tunnel.